Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Yay for group activities!

Last night I walked about 40 minutes to Dickson, which was, according to my freshman friends, close by. I was able to pick up and join the ultimate frisbee summer league of Canberra, which is a really fun laid back league to teach newbies to play. Despite some confusion as to pick rules (they don't go by UPA here) and the fact that I had to wear sneakers and slipped all over the place, I had a great time, and at the end we cheered the other team with actual hip hip hoorays. I now have a standing invitation to play on Tuesdays for their team, the Sultans of Fling. Plus the captain gave me a ride back to save me from walking, so all in all, a good night.

I know that those of you who live vicariously through me will be disappointed when I say that I did not go to the rubix cube party. I thought about it but in the end i realized that with the exception of one red skirt my entire wardrobe is black, white, brown, and navy and I did not want to trade any of it at a party.

I went to the celebrated Market day at ANU today, and I am now a proud member of the ANU Caving club, and a soon to be member of the ultimate disc club, should they ever surface. I'm also thinking of joining the crew club here, as there are only morning practices (no two-a-days) and I would only have to do it a few times per week. Regardless, starting tomorrow with the crew welcome barbecue I am officially slightly more busy than I was.

I've also acquired a bike, helmet, and lights so that I may traverse Canberra quickly and legally.

I do plan to go out tonight with some people I met at the hostel, and seeing as every college student in town will be out it should be quite the experience!


Dan St. John said...

Wow. Caving, frisbeeing, rowing; when will you have time for the other -ings? I hope you come back with an accent.

Kate said...

Actually, when I was speaking to a teacher about what classes I could take I asked about glasswork, but completely involentarily pronounced it 'gloss' or however you would say it in Australia. It was really weird and clashed with my southern drawl terribly.

leens said...

forgive me for my ignorance, but what precisely is caving?

Courtney said...

Hmph, you are so much more involved than me. Kudos, of course.

Also, I like that you've added the poll feature to your blog. I think I might steal your idea, once I figure out what I want to poll people about.

BG Robert Enzenauer said...

Kate: Will you be a rower, or the coxswain steering the boat? Do they know that you were the most sought-after coxswain at the Baylor School in Chattanooga? Dad