Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Getting Down Under

G'day everyone! I'm finally starting a blog because i realized that the sheer amount of people I have to keep in touch with completely outweighs my willpower to email. Feel free to post or email me with any of your news, but anything about my general status will be available here, at least for as long as I can make myself keep blogging...

So 14 hour flights aren't as bad as i thought, the redeye is definitely the way to go because you can sleep on the plane and wake up in the morning in another country. Even with about 7 hours of sleep, I got to watch The Bourne Ultimatum, which was disorientating, 3:10 to Yuma, which was excellent, even on a tiny screen, and most of The Darjeeling Limited, which was....confusing.

After landing I met some nice people in customs, changed some money, and got on a train. The ride was amazing because the scenery in Australia is beautiful, hilly, and much greener than i expected. The compartment was kind of cold and i caved and got some sort of sausage roll from a guy who was almost exactly like Wallace from Wallace and Grommit; when i asked what he recommended he said, "Well, all I really have is pie, and sausage rolls. Sausage rolls are nice..."
(read this in a sad wistful tone)

I am currently residing in a hostel because I have no housing currently, (long story) and so after a week and a half of being a bum with no place to live I am now in a hostel indefinitely with three REALLY messy people. Seriously, some of you know that I lead what I will graciously call a cluttered life, but there is food, clothing, and various media and toiletries everywhere. the only empty space in the place is my bed, the storage closets (why can't they use those?), and of course, the trash can. They also came in wasted at 3 in the morning to have a ciggie out of my window, bouncing up and down on my bottom bunk just in case they weren't loud enough to wake me up. Thankfully one of their sober friends found them and made them go to her room; thank you random amazing sober British girl staying at the Canberra YHA, I love you.

They're sposed to leave today so hopefully i will either have a cleaner room or find somewhere else to live. I currently am exploring options like: a two bedroom apt with an older Chinese woman and kitten, a four bedroom house with 3 male uni students, sharing a bedroom with a Chinese girl, becoming a hobo and sleeping in the library, we'll see.

Anyway, it's finally getting sunny so I'm off to explore my school and make sure i can find orientation tomorrow. More later, Cheers!


Courtney said...

The sausage roll man made me laugh really hard. I'm not quite sure why. I think it was the sad, wistful tone being applied to sausage rolls.

Also, if this is your definition of REALLY long, we're going to have to have a talk about how much detail I'm going to need about your life to be satisfied. Hint: it's a lot.

Squeasel said...

K-Dog! I'm so glad that you made it to Aussieland ok! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the Finding Nemo fruit snacks you left behind. Not to worry, they were all gone probably before you even took off from LAX. I mean, it's 100% vitamin C...how can you deny that nutrition? I think the apartment with the Chinese woman and the kitten sounds fun...unless the kitten gets one of the two bedrooms to himself, in which case it's probably not a good deal. Would also check out the "lunge-at-your-heels" rating of the kitten before committing to anything long term. In my experiences, repeatedly yelling "Tobacco is WHACKO" usually gets rid of annoying smoking drunks. Miss you more than the Diddy Riese cookies I already ate. xoxo

Zyckadelic said...

Live with the old Chinese lady! She will cook for you and she has a kitten and she's likely to be hysterical. You should be super glad you didn't get housing, your life is going to be way more exciting now.

I think I'm most jealous right now of the fact that you get to listen to Aussie accents. I think they are the most beautiful accent in the world. That and New Zealand, but I'm sure you'll go there too.