Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Changing 20 years worth of instincts

“Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.” ~ Charles M. Schulz

I have no idea what the date is at home, but I'm going for a record breaking two posts in one day here, mostly because I have nothing else to do and it's already tomorrow somewhere else, maybe, I dunno I get confused. I was all excited because I bought a phone, but then I realized that I need an address with which to activate it, so i have another useless phone in my bag in addition to my US one. I got a portable external hard drive, finally, so my poor computer can breathe easier. I really need to name it after I've put it through so much, any suggestions Erin or Courtney?

Anyway, things I've learned here:

1. the things that are the same are WAY more startling than the things that are different. I went into Target today, in the 2nd largest mall in the southern hemisphere, and walked past a Starbucks, Baskin and Robbins, and Borders books.

2. Books are way expensive here, and most of them are from the US anyway, like Stephen King for $30. I don't know what I'm gonna do, I'm down to my last book. (Kudos to Lena for recommending Lady Chatterly's Lover, it was seriously awesome)

3. I have never heard of the US spoken of with more revere than i did when i spoke with my cleaning lady today. The messy roommates are gone, their mess and smell are not. I got rid of food and bottles, but i have to get my other roommate, some guy named Scott judging by his papers, (I thought i booked a single sex room, but far be it from me to call my large hairy goateed roommate anything other than a woman) to sort out his stuff from the stuff they left behind. Anyway, she said she had wanted to go to the states since she was 5 and see Disneyland and the Rockies; having lived right next to both of those I filled her in, but I think talking to her made me appreciate home a lot. And air freshener, the angel brought me air freshener, life is good.

4. the Americans that come down here and rent cars are CRAZY; I don't have sufficient instincts to be a reasonably safe pedestrian much less drive. I'm ok with crosswalks and stuff, but i almost ran into about 5 people today because everyone walks on the left side of stairs, doors, and major walkways but there are just enough people meandering on the right to confuse me.

5. Knowing someone here is AWESOME; I had lunch with Deki today, and he showed me around ANU. He's doing traditional Macedonian dancing around the center of town tonight so I have something to do and I'm super stoked.

Ok, must go socialize and find my way downtown, yay for orientation tomorrow!


leens said...

Admittedly, I feel flattered enough by your two references to me, but I'll just go ahead and pat myself on the back for being an exchange student host and meeting Deki and thusly ensuring that you are not all alone in Australia. I'm glad the kid finally got in touch, haha. Also...tell me you took pictures of his macedonian folk dances?!

And I concur with Courtney, if this is what you call long...well, we demand more!!! haha

BG Robert Enzenauer said...

Kate: I think that you might like this weblink - which will tell you what time it is anywhere, anytime: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
For example, "now" is 5:22 am Thursday in Melbourne but Wed 1:22 pm in Atlanta (Chattanooga)
Great blog BTW. I am hooked up with SKYPE, although I need to get a mike to go with my travelling laptop. Love Dad

Courtney said...

Okay, so I may have lied on your Facebook wall. The draw of talking to you was too great (and reading was too boring) so I caved and bought a mic for my computer. We'll need to Skype, sooner rather than later.

Also, I love that you used that puppy for your header. I still remember that wait for the train clearly.

LKA said...

I wish my blogspot posts were as glamorous as you cosmo-s. Mine are like "today I walked to class." that's how interesting my life is. oh, and I still don't know how to link up my blog to other people's blogs. I suck at life that much. but yay Australia! whee

Dan St. John said...

I'm sorry in advance that this first little blurb is so lacking direction.

hahahaha! Walking down the other side of stairs and streets; that never would have occurred to me. And knowing my I would have run smack into someone and knocked them on their butt...

Ok, thank you for indulging me.

er1n said...

I suggest naming it Wilber.

It is weird how we name our computers like people name their cars.

Can you bring me back a wallaby?