Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Next Great Apartment Debacle

Well, I spent most of yesterday in orientation, which for those of you who were wondering, was just as bureaucratic and mostly useless as the orientations we have in the states. I really only learned a few things of note:
1. There are zealous Christian groups here as well, this particular brand was handing out symbolic water
2. I can't register until Monday and then I have a whole week of 'getting to know each other' activities before school actually starts (albeit 80's themed activities that involve a lot of free food and a rubix cube party...)
3. I potentially have exams from june 12 to june 28, which might ruin my entire trip this summer, but hopefully the art program here is as slacker as the usc one and doesn't have exams.
4. ANU has a frisbee team (yay!)

I also spent most of the evening looking for apartments and learned that this is basically the worst time to look because ALL students need apartments and parliament is in session so all of the interns and stuff need housing as well. Great.

Apartment 1: Living with Michael and Manisa (Manny)
I met Micheal, who was really funny and seemed extremely keen on the idea of me cooking; he asked extensive questions about what i liked to make, etc. the place had a little yard, a nice kitchen, and a living room with tons of windows, but the downside is that the room isn't free until march 3-6. As I gave Michael my phone number (I now have a mobile, but it's kind of a drag cause i keep wanting to call people from home) he showed me a typed list of people that his roommate i hadn't yet met had made up for him to fill out when he met people. He looked at it kind of exasperatedly and said 'I have to rate you out of ten' apparently Manisa is very organized and wanted him to record his impressions.

Apartment 2: Katie
Young professional woman looking to rent out a room; she was ok i guess but i got a weird vibe from her and she said repeatedly that she didn't want to share food.

Apartment 3: Actually a house I would share with Jane, a portly 40's woman who really reminds me of my old boss Nancy, and a German post-grad named Antje who sends very terse emails and reminds me a lot of what I think Sonya will be like in about 6 years. ok place but it will be demolished in May and I will be homeless again...

Shortly after my meeting with Jane, I saw that I had voicemail, It was Michael telling me that I was the G-O, which I'm assuming means I am his top choice. I'm meeting with Manisa tonight, and if all works out I'll be living there in two weeks.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, folks, I'll keep you posted.


leens said...

you know, a hungarian invented the rubix cube. just saying.
good luck with the housing!

Courtney said...

How does Riley feel about the fact that you're going to be living with a dangerously-attractive Australian who basically wants you to be a housewife? Ahahahha you.

sonya said...

Terse e-mails? Me in six years? What does this all mean?