Saturday, February 23, 2008

On Food, and Men

My hostel has been overrun by a large group of 35+ Aussie men. This particularly affects me because they are lodging in rooms all over my floor and more specifically I am convinced that the loudest of them live right next door to me, on the other side of the thinnest wall ever built by man. Seriously, Pyramus and Thisbe would have been thrilled to have this wall, I am not. Various comments throughout the day have been loud, but forgettable, mostly describing smells and intentions of getting laid. My personal fave was a guy that apparently did get laid (thank goodness I was asleep) and was singing the praises of our rickety bunk beds because his own top bunk did not break. the main irritation of these men is that they choose to be loud during inconvenient times, apparently they were all supposed to get up around 8 am, but at the tender ages of 30 and 40 had not yet developed the responsibility skill necessary to set an alarm. The ONE man in the group with this skill can bang on doors really loudly, and shout, to wake everyone in a 10 room radius up, but not his incredibly hung over mates. I don't know why you chose to interrupt my not so peaceful or settled existence here at the Canberra YHA, Aussie men, but please leave, as soon as possible.

But the main event of yesterday was that a lot of long term stay people checked out of the YHA, leaving me with fridge AND pantry space. Unfortunately the kitchen itself sucks and about four out of twelve burners in the kitchen actually work, so it's usually very crowded. But I at least have room to keep food like yogurt here refrigerated, and I made some lentil soup yesterday during a lull that I plan to reheat throughout the week (although it will taste much better once I go and buy some salt from the store, they do not stock it for their guests)

In other news, my soon to be roommate Mani came by to hang out with some friends last night, and that was fun because her friends are such a mish mash. half of the table was dressed in black and chain smoking, and then there were three buff guys that were dressed in bright red, yellow, and blue t shirts.

As far as crew goes, I am on the 'fun' team of people that just show up to row, and am not in the more competitive part of the club, so what boat I end up driving and with whom will probably depend on any given practice.

Also notable, my good friend is thinking of taking a road-trip over spring break and cannot decide whether to go through the southwest towards Oklahoma and see the pretty on the way or drive up the northwestern coast, any thoughts? Feel free to post opinions here; I would change my poll, but you guys have two or three more days on the great pancake debate!

Speaking of pancakes, Courtney brought these to my attention, someone with a better kitchen than me, make them immediately and get back!


Unknown said...

Kate: where does the anticipated road trip start? At USC or somwhere besides LA. Because the starting point would determine my tourist recommendations for a spring break road trip. Love Dad

leens said...

i love poppy seeds and will begin my hunt for the ingredients don't expect results any time soon, you know my difficulties with ingredient availability, haha.

Courtney said...

I am so tempted to make those pancakes, but don't have the appropriate tools in my kitchen, and the thought of measurement conversions might make me wake up in a cold sweat ahah.

Unknown said...

Kate: I know that my specialty is eyes, but it seems to me that you need to go to the nearest drugstore and "invest' in some cheap earplugs. Love Dad