Thursday, May 15, 2008

Miscellaneous Photos, Boredom...

Hello! My friend Elaine finally posted some pictures from her camera, and I am bored so I am passing them on to you! I thought about inserting them in the appropriate places in previous posts, but then I will notice all of my old spelling errors and you will have to read the same posts again, so here are some miscellaneous tidbits left out of earlier work:

Fraser Island: We visited this on my Queensland trip, we look happy because it was only about the third day of the trip and only the second day of rain...Anyways interesting story about Fraser Island is how it got to be named.

"Fraser Island, Batjala K'Gari, is the largest sand island in the world at 1630 km². It is located along the southern coast of Queensland, Australia, approximately 300 km north of Brisbane. Its length is about 120 km[1].

The original name of the island is 'K'gari' in the Butchulla people's language. It means paradise.[6]

According to Aboriginal legend, when humans were created and needed a place to live, the mighty god Beeral sent his messenger Nendingie with the goddess K’gari down from heaven to create the land and mountains, rivers and sea. K’gari fell in love with the earth’s beauty and did not want to leave it. So Yendingie changed her into a heavenly island – Fraser Island.[7]

The name Fraser Island comes from Eliza Fraser and her story of survival from a shipwreck on the island. Captain James Fraser and his wife, Eliza Fraser, were shipwrecked on the island 1836. The name of the ship was the Stirling Castle. Captain Fraser died but Eliza was rescued off the island. Eliza later made money traveling around England and Australia telling her story of the events that had occurred while the Stirling Castle’s officers were on the island."-Wikipedia

Ok, the island was also called Indian Head after Captain Cook saw a bunch of Aborigines looking at the boats from a point on the island as he passed by. But the really interesting horrible pt of the story is what our guide told us, apparently Capt. Fraser did something to really offend the Aborigines and was killed pretty soon after arrival, but Mrs. Fraser was kept for five years and left the island in the peak of health. Mrs. Fraser wasn't getting enough attention after a while being back and started making up stories about rape and torture which lead to attacks and bias against Aborigines for years before someone figured out she was lying. Great way to name a island!

Me on the ferry to the Island, it wasn't raining yet but very windy.

This huge tree was usually used for ships masts, apparently it is a baby compared with others on the island that we were not able to see that day...needless to say this tree provoked several short jokes. It doesn't help that both of them are Amazons compared with me :) From Left: Gaynor, Me, Elaine

Also nearby is Rainbow beach where a lot of the different dunes have different colors of sand. The Aboriginal story, much abridged, is as follows. Once a woman fell in love with Rainbow, and would go to the beach every day to see him. One of the great warriors in the tribe however wanted to marry her, she refused and ran away. He followed her, grabbing his best killing boomerang and chased her to the beach. Rainbow saved her from the boomerang, but in doing so fell into a thousand pieces on the beach and has been there ever since. Aboriginal woman apparently used to travel here to put some rainbow sand in her hair or collect some of it to carry as sort of good luck/ protection. I confess my one touristy buy was a small neckalace with rainbow sand, what a good story!

Tumut: I don't think I left anything out in my account of the last trip but here is one picture. My friend Elaine is a fan of all things ridiculous. (she is sitting opposite me in a koala jumper, sweater, and also purchased a jumper with a skiing kangaroo on this trip) She got the tea cozy from the CWA a (usually) older women's group that makes jam and knitted things. It inspired me to pick up some grey yarn for a crochet project on the plane home, imagine a Koala's ears where the owl's eyes are...hmm, i may start this sooner rather than later as my house is pretty boring right now, daytime tv here is awful.

I didn't know she was taking this one as all of her focus seemed to be on the owl. As a side note this was at the Chit Chat Cafe in Tumut, toasted croissants with Devonshire cream and raspberry jam=delicious.

T Shirts: I found this one also on threadless and forgot to post it, but it isn't for sale anyway, sadly. Isn't it cute? scratch having a dog, i want a mini elephant.

No other news as of yet, I am working on postcards but cannot find any printers in Australia. I could print and send them from the states for cheap but that would defeat the purpose of a postcard from here. Would you mind? I have started a small illustration ala threadless and will post it for your critique before i maybe submit it, it is after one of my fave childhood songs by Natalie Merchant according to the internet, I do not remember myself:

“Come Take a Trip in My Airship”

I once loved a sailor.
Once, a sailor loved me.
But he was not a sailor,
who sailed on the wide blue sea.
He sailed in an airship;
Sailed like a bird on the wing;
And every evening at midnight,
he would come to my window and sing:

Come take a Trip in my Airship,
come sail away to the stars!
We'll travel to Venus,
we'll sail away to Mars!
No one will see while we're kissing
No one will know as we SPOON.
So come take a Trip in my Airship,
and we'll visit the Man in the Moon!

One night while sailing away from the crowds,
we passed through the Milky White Way.
While idly drifting and watching the clouds,
he asked if I'd name the day!
Just by the Dipper, I gave him my heart,
the sun shone on our honeymoon.
We swore to each other, we never would part,
and we'd teach all the babies this tune.

All this in addition to fervently working on my research paper and paintings of course... I'll probably post soon as one or potentially both of my roommates will be gone this weekend. Oh, i have to buy catfood, excuse me.


Courtney said...

That was an abrupt ending. Was the cat holding you at knife-point or something?
That mini elephant is adorable. Sort of like you and that tree.
Um, this is a pretty useless comment. I now have to clean my room from top to bottom in preparation for leaving, and I am not looking forward to it. It would be easier if you were here to entertain me, of course.

BG Robert Enzenauer said...
